Colin Dunn is a top-rated senior trainer and consultant based in Washington, DC, who specializes in leadership, performance management, coaching, teambuilding, and communication skills. He has more than 20 years of experience and has trained and coached thousands of professionals. He is a certified executive coach, and has coached over 100 senior executives.
Colin has a B.S. in Engineering (United States Military Academy at West Point), an M.A. in Writing (University of Iowa), an M.A in National Security Studies (Naval War College), and an M.S. in Business Management (Salve Regina College).
Besides various leadership positions, Colin was a professor for five years, studied at CNN headquarters, and directed radio and television organizations. His last assignment in uniform was as a professor in the Leadership Department of National Defence University, Washington, D.C. |
Now that you're the new boss, what next? Many leaders "play it by ear" and forfeit the opportunity to take their organization to the next level.
Leadership in today's rapidly changing world is not a spectator sport. Today, leaders either make history with their organizations or. .. become history!
This seminar offers a six-step process that "leads a leader" through initial assessment of his or her organization to the long-range goals and their metrics.
The seminar is a practicum in which participants will build an approach to "forward progress" in their particular organizations.
An ideal framework for newly appointed managers and existing managers looking to enhance their planning skills. |